Tuesday, December 2, 2008

faith in terms of crisis...

just copy from my past fs' blogg...

November 29th, 2007

so many people ask me a question why i do really lean on faith while a lot of people around me are wondering about that….
i do believe in my faith and i live within it…as a police line in my life..it borders me from something allowed / forbidden..
faith, something that ur eyes can’t see, ur ears can’t hear,even ur brain cant think, but ur heart can feel..seems like unreal…
why??? do i need to prove it???
NO!!! because HE proves me every time…..

why you are all questioning, guys??
well, your right and your choice....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

secret emotion


a precious lesson that i've received many months ago...
and thats right,,,we are the master of our emotion..
emotion just a part of myself, so, the whole me should be capable to control..
with the logic that whole > part, right?

so, dont let your emotion control your life or RUIN your life...
be whole first then you can complete others...
how could you complete if you have not yet...

dont let it drive your days, became a barrier to your activities and responsibility...
so, guy,,,please..
control your emotion yah....

....for my beloved sweet moody funny sincere friend....

Monday, November 10, 2008


10 november?? heroes' day....
so, ancient words say : a big country is a country that respect their heroes....
then we create the great Taman Makam Pahlawan, memorial monuments, wall of fame, put their names into street names, built museums.
is that enough?

what about the living heroes around us??
there's a lot of veterans here!!
what they are doing nowadays?
they become tukang becak, paid farmer, tukang bemo, even a bagger, name it..
how about their right after they fought for our independence?
they are still alive do not mean that their sacrifice is smaller that the dead heroes...
without their dead, doesnt mean that they are not heroes...

STOP to spend your money out just to maintain that bloody grave or to build another monument..
coz they (the dead heroes) dont care about it!!

START to take care of the living heroes... give them the right that should gave..
their retired money, their insurance even...

open up your eyes, hey, the government of Indonesia!!!
do we, as a big country, already respect our heroes??

Monday, November 3, 2008


sometimes we as a youth generation like to think about what we can do to our lovely world...
mmmhhpff.. after it we continue to think the next question: who am I that could make this world going better,,,???
I'm telling you, that you are pathetic if you did..

the very basic answer is JUST GIVE..
give anything that you are capable to..
the world doesnt need a big person with a small role..
but she needs a small person with a big role..

start from what we have..what we can..
just look around and find something lack..
then strengthen it as you can...

look at your surrounding,
is there any ojek payung by children when raining time??
you can use their service just to give them money for their books,,, [i know it by interviewing them]
is there any pemulung?
you can collect your bottles or your newspaper and give to them
just give what you can give...what you have to be given..

personally, i dont like to give money for the bagger...
for me its not educate them...
i'd ratter give money or something else for them who work, so it becomes their compliment...

give whats in you..
give sincerely...
give without expect anything to received...
give with a pure heart, pure motivation to give...

we just loose something unworthy.. but believe me, they receive something that could change their life...

guys, are you ready to GIVE??

Monday, October 27, 2008

what's life??

life is a journey, that you could face any place to rest
life is a process, that would never end until you die
life is a story, that has many chapters
life is a book, that you could write everything inside
life is a game, where you can win or lose sometimes
life is a movie, where there are a lot of roles and you are the actor
life is a choice, and everything that happened is the consequences

whatever you define what life is..
one thing that I am going to ask you, a question when you finish it...


inspiring by Final Season movie

Monday, October 13, 2008

susahnya jadi perawan??

nah lho...bukannya belajar ntar ujian tapi masih aja nulis2..
sbnenrnya uda pengen bgt nulis ttg ini gara2 chatting ama beka di kelas,,,

adisti: "susahnya jadi perawan."
beka: "gak susah kok...pinter2 nahan diri aja.."
adisti: "lu ga perlu nahan kalo lu ga kepikiran"
beka: "yah kadang-kadang kan terbesit."

apaan sih perawan??
tergantung, kamu mau dijawab pake perspektif apa dulu....
kalo secara kedokteran, ketika kita udah ngga perawan, it means saat dimana terjadi penetrasi oleh penis terhadap vagina sehingga mengakibatkan pecahnya selaput dara.
tapi fortunately (kok fortunately?hehe) ada selaput dara yang tebal sehingga ngga bisa langsung robek dengan sekali penetrasi...wa...jadi masi perawan donk dia??
atau unfortunately ada juga orang yang ngga pernah melakukan penetrasi by penis tapi selaput daranya robek, karena jatoh dari speda, balet, atau kepentok apa kek.. jadi dia ngga perawan??
parahnya ada yang dimasukin ama tangan sendiri ato tangan org laen ato benda apapun (pisang, jagung, timun [it's true]), jadi dia masih perawan ngga??(karena ngga penetrated by penis itu tadi)
bingung kan???

so, menurut saya,
batasan perawan atau ngga tergantung dari diri kita sendiri,,seberapa jauh kita mengartikan kata "PERAWAN" atau seberapa dalam kita memaknainya..
bisa jadi kita berfantasi lagi having sex,by that apakah kita masi perawan secara pikiran?
coba tanyain sama sekitar kita satu2:
kamu masi perawan ngga??
bibir kamu masi perawan ngga??
toket kamu masi perawan ngga??

for me, arti perawan ngga cuma sebatas perspektif biologi seperti yang di atas, tapi perawan berarti lebih dalem lagi.
buat orang yang selaput daranya pecah gara2 kepentok, sepeda, balet, without any kind of penetration, YES, she is a virgin..
buat yang pernah melakukan penetrasi ama apapun dan disertai dengan sebuah aktivitas sexual, ya jelas dia udah ngga perawan..
the most important is, how precious the virginity for you??

kudu nahan?? susah??
actually, ngga usah ditahan... karna kita ngga perlu nahan kalo kita ngga kepikiran [baca:kepengen]
susah untuk ngga kepengen [kepikiran]?? YOU CONTROL YOURSELF!!

dan ini bicara mengenai standar keperawanan...seberapa jauh kamu memberikan standar atas makna perawan?
apakah dengan dry sex, oral sex, atau esek2 ajah itu kamu masi perawan?? fantasi having sex bikin kamu ngga perawan juga ngga? atau itu hal yang wajar??


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

a quote

if you know that GOD is the answer, you don't need to worry whatever the questions..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

speaker's rule

gw dapetin ilmu in di short diplomatic course kampus pas mata kuliah diplomacy in practice...
amazing dan gw baru tau yang beginian nih...

so, for a spoke person, u have a basic rule before u speak...

when u entrance the stage, u must came out from the left side of the audience.
ini kenyataan bahwa sistem kerja tubuh kita (baca: otak) itu terbalik, jadi ketika kita keluar dari sisi kiri penonton, maka penerimaan akan diterima oleh otak kanan. sedangkan jika kita keluar dari sisi kanan penonton, otak kiri lah yang pertama kali menerima gambar tsb.
nah, jika otak kiri kita yang menerima, maka kesan yang muncul adalah sisi kritis. while kalo otak kanan kita yang menerima, maka kesan estetika yang keluar.
from the basic fact kalo otak kanan lebih berisi tentang estetika, seni, kenangan. sedangkan kalo otak kiri lebih tentang ilmu, kritis, angka, metode, dsb.

jadi kalo kita keluar dari sisi kanan, kesan2 yang muncul itu kaya gini nih "ih...ga matching amat sih bajunya.." "ih, kok hari ini dia jerawatan yah.."
tapi kalo otak kanan kita yang menjadi the 1st receiver, kesan yang muncul "waah....dia cakep yah.." "ih, nyaman bnaget gw liat penampilan dia, all fix.." estetika lah pokoknya..
gitu de kira2...

so, for the speakers, watch out which side you came out......