Monday, November 10, 2008


10 november?? heroes' day....
so, ancient words say : a big country is a country that respect their heroes....
then we create the great Taman Makam Pahlawan, memorial monuments, wall of fame, put their names into street names, built museums.
is that enough?

what about the living heroes around us??
there's a lot of veterans here!!
what they are doing nowadays?
they become tukang becak, paid farmer, tukang bemo, even a bagger, name it..
how about their right after they fought for our independence?
they are still alive do not mean that their sacrifice is smaller that the dead heroes...
without their dead, doesnt mean that they are not heroes...

STOP to spend your money out just to maintain that bloody grave or to build another monument..
coz they (the dead heroes) dont care about it!!

START to take care of the living heroes... give them the right that should gave..
their retired money, their insurance even...

open up your eyes, hey, the government of Indonesia!!!
do we, as a big country, already respect our heroes??


cbsowl said...

emang living hero cmn orang yang idup tahun 45 an? or idup di jaman penjajahan? hahahha.. emak gw juga living hero sob! dah doyot, n umur 80an pula. hahahhaha...

well, daripada menghormati para yang tua yang masih bisa bermimpi!

coba pemerintah urus para pemuda2 calon living heroes [ ato udah jadi living heroes y mereka ? ] yang sipa mengubah indonesia!

karena hanya kita [ yang muda ] yang bisa action!

" seribu orang tua hanya bisa bermimpi, satu orang pemuda dapat mengubah dunia."
>>> soekarno

adisti Chandra said...

what i'm talking about is the appreciation from the government to the heroes..
heroes in the battle field sob...
they need appreciation, thats right...

maksud gw, stop untuk menegenang para pahlawan yg uda mati...tapi coba liat veteran2 kita yg juga butuh diperhatiin. (dan diurusin)

menghormati para tua yg masi bermimpi, its a must!!
masi untung tuh orang tua masi berani untuk bermimpi, ga ada rule nya kan kalo mimpi hanya untuk anak muda???
lagian we must not forget about their sacrifice that make this nation become independent from the colonial...
respect your history then you can respect your future.....

kalo masalah anak muda, gw setuju bgt, dan menurut gw, pamerintah already care about it...tapi blum maksimal aja... least we can struggle by ourselves, but they (si peyot2??)
they need help,,,why dont we??